Nutrition Counseling Services

Pink Brand Illustrations
IBD Nutrition Counseling (Crohn’s and Colitis)

You don’t have to do IBD alone, especially nutrition! This is where I offer personalized 1-on-1, evidence-based nutrition support to help you nourish through flare-ups, during remission and everything in between. With an additional focus on culturally inclusive care, I’ll guide you in finding the foods and strategies that can honor both your body and culture – living the fuller life that you deserve.

4-6 month support includes:

  • Initial 90-minute deep dive nutrition assessment
  • Biweekly 60-minute, or weekly 30-minute follow up sessions
  • Customized nutrition plan based on your nutritional needs, disease activity, healing
  • Includes personalized IBD-friendly, culturally-inclusive recipes and meal resources
  • Care coordination with your medical team
  • Secure, HIPAA compliant communication (email, texts) between sessions
Blue Brand Illustrations
GI Nutrition Counseling

Having difficulty figuring out your nutrition due to mixed advice with multiple medical and GI conditions? Especially when diabetes and kidney disease are involved, it gets tough! Much of the online information may seem applicable to you, but it never gets specific enough to help address your symptoms.

With my experience working with complex, long-term medical conditions in the hospital, I can help you cut through the noise and develop a clear, actionable troubleshooting plan to nourish yourself while navigating medical parameters to best manage your conditions.

Common GI and medical conditions I support:

  • Nutrition Support (Tube Feeding, Parenteral (IV) Nutrition)
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
  • Short Gut Syndrome
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
  • GI Motility Disorders
  • Bariatric surgery, bowel resections
  • Celiac Disease
  • Pancreatitis
  • Eosinophilic Esophagitis
  • Acid reflux/heartburn
  • Food sensitivities/intolerances
  • Diabetes, kidney disease, kidney transplant
Green Brand Illustrations
Surgical IBD/GI Nutrition Bundle

Research shows that patients who “prehabilitate” for surgery have fewer postoperative complications and quicker recovery back to their previous functional level

Surgery is a big event (like a marathon), and I am here to help you achieve the best outcome possible. Besides getting your body well supported before the day and during the healing process, post-op nutrition guidance (especially with cultural foods) is often a missing piece especially with navigating new anatomy! I am here to support you with fueling your body in a step-by-step process that feels safe, with personalized strategies to help you reintroduce your favorite foods (and enjoyment)!

A couple of my specialities: Ostomy nutrition (colostomy, ileostomy), intestinal resections, IPAA/J-Pouch, short gut syndrome.

Minimum of 3 months support includes:

  • Initial 90-minute session (ideally at least 1 month prior to surgery)
  • Biweekly 60-minute, or weekly 30-minute follow up sessions
  • Customized nutrition plan for nutrition optimization pre-surgery, guide on navigating nutrition during admission, and nutrition for recovery post-surgery.
  • Includes surgical medical nutrition supplements, personalized IBD-friendly and culturally-inclusive meal resources
  • Care coordination with your medical team
  • Secure, HIPAA compliant communication (email, texts) between sessions
Nutrition illustration Yi Min Teo Nutrition